Rum production
“I'm fascinated by it and think Panela is the way of the future for sugar! At least for rum production!”
“JustPanela is clean and richly full of nutrients, allowing us to simply ferment with our chosen yeast without any need for nutrient addition”
The Rum Results: “Truly unique - a mineral rich, herbaceous rum with hints at overripe mango and candied pecans”
– Blake Ragghianti, Founder, CEO, Head Distiller
Kombucha and Just Panela, the perfect and healthy match!
“The kombucha
1) any time there is a sweetness remaining after fermentation, rest assured the sugar was not completely used up so that means people are getting the refined sugar in their diet and that is something that isn't being recognized (which I cannot understand why unless we as a society are so used to sweet things it doens't stand out), and kombucha is being touted as a health drink. Not if there is residual refined sugar. Just as yogurt that is compromised with sugars/sweeteners and it vies with the benefit of the good bacteria (some science is coming out on sugar being possibly an issue in the micro-biome) and potential benefit of the yogurt, so, if one uses any thing other than a quality sweetener with kombucha, it will not be the health aid they wish for.
2) some sites say that the use of panela (rapadura) may lead to a yeasty taste and/or the scoby failing on the sooner side, and that the mineral content of the panela will effect the process. So far, (third yielding) we have found that the taste is spot on, with a slightly vinegar taste, as it should be, and there is a hint of the panela flavor, but I wouldn't say mineral-ish nor molasses-y.
3) We have found that it needs to ferment longer than our friend from whom we got the scoby, and who uses some kind of regular/perhaps organic cane sugar.
4) We have also found that there is still a measure of sweetness after even a longer fermentation, yet don't mind because it is delicious and we know that the sugar remaining is healthful in and of itself. We've considered cutting back on the amount in the recipe but don't want to mess with a good thing. One step at a time.
5) We drink it in moderation because, hey, it's still something sweet and there are so many ways to get good bacteria and yeasts into us: fermented veges, fermented dairy, supplements, etc etc
Hope that is of use! So glad we went this route and it's been successful - and sharing that info with others has been our pleasure! Frankly, I wouldn't even have wanted to spend the time and energy if it weren't for using the panela.
Well wishes, Stephanie” kombucha home brewer!
“We laid out the birds on some Just Panela all natural cane sugar to get it as close to the best sugar on the planet as possible”
- Todd Gillespie - CEO & Owner
Top Shelf Chocolate Sauces for Drinks, Desserts, and other Emergencies
Panela has a rich terrior (earthy flavor) from the vitamins and minerals that remain because of minimal processing.
All those Vs&Ms help you digest panela more slowly than processed cane sugars, meaning it has a lower glyemic index.
Calories yeah, they're definitely there. But what's the point of eating if you're not giving your body anything to work with? We're talking about dessert. Moderation is key to healthy eating. OhFuudge is rich, a little bit goes a long way.
We want the Chocolate in OhFuudge to do most of the talking, but the panela and craft libations we add inject flavor details to round out the story and make it more satisfying.
Not too sweet, just right amount to mellow the inherent bitterness of cocoa and help let the flavors sing.
We love Panela and the fact that they are passionate about ethical and sustainable practices along with good flavor.
We're thrilled to partner with them to make our treats.
~Kelli, creator/everything officer
"We have seen a huge difference in our products since we converted. It's visual and taste both which is pretty amazing. I was reppin it today to star chefs about how it's the only sugar we use in house for curing and brining!"
- Nate Singer, Head Butcher, Black Belly
Coffee Shops
"Owning Portland's oldest coffee house, we always look for the cutting edge. We gave Panela a 30-day trial placing it beside white processed sugar and "Sugar in the Raw". At the end of three weeks, processed sugar usage dropped to less than 25% of previous months. We had a week of no Panela (did not anticipate the demand!). Customer feedback was overwhelming. We brought it back, dropping our "raw" sugar from our offerings, seeing white processed sugar usage drop to almost nil (knocking out two cost items from inventory). Saving money, enhancing our great coffee, servicing our customers (not mentioning the health benefits!). Panela .... One reason we will remain Portland's oldest coffee house."
- Rand Klemp, Owner, AnnaBannana's Portland, Oregon
"Our draft latte combines three of our favorite things, Trickling Springs Creamery Milk, and Just Panela Sugar." - Swing's Coffee Roasters
" I took my espresso machine home and put your Panela Cane sugar in my cappuccino. It was great!!!!
More flavor, not as sweet as sugar, a real treat! My book keeper Diane also said the same thing. You have a winner!" - Jan Weigel, Owner FreshCup Magazine