Where to Buy Wholesale Cane Sugar for the Best Rum Distilling
Where to Buy Wholesale Cane Sugar for the Best Rum Distilling
The most unique rum recipes take a little experimentation. Panela can take your rum game to a whole new level – find out where to buy wholesale cane sugar to get started.
In 2017, retail sales of rum in the US were over $8 billion.
After vodka and whiskey, rum is the third most popular spirit amongst American consumers. Originally distilled with blackstrap molasses derived from sugarcane, rum producers today use a variety of techniques to set their rum apart from the competition.
Using panela in a rum wash is one technique for creating your own distinct rum flavor. Whether you’re a hobbyist or involved in large-scale rum production, making rum with panela is a cost-effective, organic, sustainable, accessible, and tasty alternative.
Read on to find out where to buy wholesale cane sugar for the best rum distilling.
Sugar in Rum
Sugar is an essential component of distilling any spirit. But when it comes to rum production, sugar is particularly important. That’s because the main component of traditional rum is sugarcane and/or sugarcane byproducts.
In the 1600s, colonists in the Caribbean stumbled across the idea of making alcohol from sugarcane byproducts. Through the process of producing sugar on sugar cane plantations, they were left with molasses. It didn’t take long before they discovered that molasses could be fermented to create what we now know as rum.
Today, most rums are made from molasses. While some rum distilling recipes call for molasses, others prefer making rum with unrefined cane sugar products such as panela and even sugarcane juice.
Why Use Panela for Rum Production?
Rum is sweeter than other spirits because the sugar that’s needed in the fermentation process is already present in the raw material used to make the rum (aka sugarcane and sugarcane by products). By that same principle, rum flavors change based on what sugarcane or sugarcane byproduct is used to make it.
Rum can be produced using almost any sugarcane-based source, and that source has a major impact on the tasting notes of the final product. That’s why there is such a diversity in the flavors and colors of this particular spirit. Regardless of the type of rum you’re producing, though, using panela in your rum production lends unique and complimentary characteristics.
Consider that panela retains the terroir of where it’s produced. Meaning that it’s flavor profiles – a including caramel, molasses, raisin, and spice – are determined by the soil and climate in which the sugarcane is grown. The potential for creating unique rum distilling recipes and achieving your own exclusive rum flavor are endless with panela.
Where to Buy Wholesale Cane Sugar for Rum
Over half of all the world’s sugar and rum production comes from sugarcane. And while rum is traditionally produced with blackstrap molasses, that’s not readily available to all rum producers.
But the caramel flavor and dense consistency of blackstrap molasses is easily replicated by unrefined cane sugar like panela. A typical rum distilling recipe calls for 5 kilos of panela for every 20-25 liters of water. Whether your rum production is home-based or larger-scale, that calls for purchasing wholesale cane sugar.
Just Panela for All Your Wholesale Cane Sugar Needs
Although other spirits require sugar as part of the fermentation process, rum is a little bit different. Because it’s distilled from sugarcane and sugarcane byproducts, rum retains far more sweetness and flavor from the raw material used to make it. By changing that raw material, rum producers achieve unique rum flavor profiles that distinguish their still from the competition.
Just Panela works with several small and large distilleries and moonshiners around the US who swear by the characteristics that panela adds to their end product. Available in cases and pallets, we’re the wholesale cane sugar distributors with experience in the industry. Check out our shop and order today.